Lithium export boom in Australia

The value of exports of Australian lithium has boomed in the recent year from AUD 5.2 billion to AUD 18.6 billion, according to figures published by the Office of the Australian Chief Economist.

Global demand for the critical raw mineral is expected to soar in the next few years as the material is used in many advanced products, such as batteries. Australia is one of the world’s key suppliers. Currently, rechargeable batteries use up to 80% of the global demand for lithium and Australia produces 53% of the world’s lithium.

Germany has recently signed agreements with Argentina to improve its supply and we hope that the forthcoming free trade agreement between the European Union and Australia will also encourage trade in raw and processed materials between the trading blocks.

ABIE Free Trade Agreement Submission, March 2023

In March 2023 a submission was made by the German Australian Business Council on behalf of the Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) network, regarding the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the European Union. The submission was sent to the following:
• Prime Minister and Opposition Leader of Australia
• Ministers and Shadow Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Tourism, Climate Change and Energy
• Premiers of States and Chief Ministers of Territories
• Agent-Generals
• OECD Secretary-General
• EU and Australian FTA Chief Negotiators

Thanks and congratulations are extended to all those involved in putting this comprehensive submission together, in particular André Haermeyer, supported by Sabine Pittrof and Robert Harrison and many friends and colleagues from the ABIE network.

Click here for the submission:


Quantum Brilliance announces AUD 18 Million investment

German Australian Business Council member, Quantum Brilliance, announced an AUD 18 million investment round to continue supporting their development of a room-temperature computer based on synthetic diamonds. The spin-out from the Australian National University in Canberra has established a German base in Stuttgart and is collaborating with the Fraunhofer Institute IAF in Freiburg and the University of Ulm.



Critical Raw Materials

The Economist magazine reports on the supply of critical raw materials, such as lithium, aluminium and cobalt. Many of these are supplied by countries with unstable governments, such as the Congo, or subject to sanctions, such as Russia.

Over the past few years, mineral resources have been discovered and increasingly exploited in Australia. The country is now becoming one of the suppliers of critical raw materials to industry in Europe, as the Economist highlights.

At the German Australian Business Council, we encourage the development of business relations on both sides of the globes, and we see the supply of critical raw materials as an important factor in strengthening the relations between our two countries.

If you are interested in finding out more about activities, then sign up here.


Job Vacancy: Event Manager

The German Australian Business Council is looking for a new event manager to support our mission to be a catalyst for the generation of business opportunities and relationships between our two nations. The position is available immediately.

The primary duties (undertaken independently and/or together with the responsible board member) will be to ensure the smooth preparation, running and follow-up of events. Details on the individual tasks can be found in the attached job description.

You will bring the following SKILLS/EXPERIENCE:
• Experience in organising events
• IT Skills ie Zoom webinars
• Design skills for invitations and social media is a plus
• Know-how in negotiating with event locations (hotels, restaurants, catering)
• Know-how in modern communication tools / MS Office
• Excellent communication skills in both English and German
• A strong interest in German-Australian relations is an advantage

The employee should be located in Frankfurt or surrounds but will also supply remote support to our Munich and Berlin groups.

Working hours are flexible. The contract/salary is based on a ‘520 € -Mini Job’.

If you are interested or know somebody who may be interested in supporting the work of the German Australian Business Council, please contact our board members:
• Dietrich Klusemann, Frankfurt:
• Peirui Tan, Frankfurt:
• Eberhard Goihl, Munich:



Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Australien und Pazifik

“Thunder in Down Under”: Ein “Wirbelsturm” fegt durch die australische Parteienlandschaft und sorgt für eine erwartbare Niederlage von PM Morrison und der Liberal Party
Die am Samstag, 21. Mai 2022, abgehaltenen nationalen Parlaments- und (Teil-) Senatswahlen in Australien haben zur Niederlage der seit 2013 an der Macht befindlichen liberal-nationalen Koalitionsregierung, – seit 2018 unter Premierminister Scott Morrison – geführt. Die sozialdemokratische Labor-Partei unter Anthony Albanese erreichte – historisch schwache – 32,6 Prozent Stimmenanteil, führt jedoch mit 77 Sitzen laut der noch immer andauernden offiziellen Auszählung der australischen Wahlkommission. Für eine absolute Mehrheit sind 76 Sitze erforderlich. Die abgewählte Koalition kommt aktuell auf lediglich 58 Sitze im Unterhaus und einen prozentualen Stimmenanteil von 35,85 Prozent. Mit einem Zugewinn von 1,5 Prozent, über zwölf Prozent Stimmenanteil und vier Mandaten schnitten die australischen Grünen stark ab. Die größte Überraschung war allerdings der Erfolg der unabhängigen „Teal“-Kandidaten, die mit zehn Kandidaten ins Unterhaus einziehen.

Da nur 40 der 76 Sitze im Senat zur Wahl standen, wird die Labor Partei voraussichtlich keine Mehrheit im Oberhaus erreichen – ein recht übliches Ergebnis in der australischen Politik – und muss mit den Senatoren der Grünen oder der Koalition über eine Mehrheitsfindung verhandeln. Das schwache Abschneiden der beiden Haupt-Parteien auf der einen, und das Erstarken von Grünen und Unabhängigen auf der anderen Seite, bedeutet eine signifikante Verschiebung der politischen Landschaft und lässt die Frage nach der „Zukunftsfestigkeit“ des altangestammten Zwei-Parteien-Systems in Australien aufkommen.

Online lesen:


AFL Germany Crowdfunding for Euro Cup 2022

Crowdfunding link:

AFL Germany was founded in 1999 by two clubs the Frankfurt Redbacks and Munich Kangaroos. Over the upcoming years 5 more teams in five other german cities (Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart and Cologne) joined the competition. In 2021 two more teams joined the competition from Heidelberg and Kiel. Until today the AFL Germany consists of 9 teams from around germany fighting against each other for the german championship title.

Since 2022 the AFL Germany league is being overseen and managed by the Deutscher Australian Football Verband e.V. The DAFV is the association overlooking the league operations and both national teams the German Eagles. Since february 2022 the german eagles have received the honor to wear the german eagle the federal coat of arms on their new team wear from our Outfitter Uhlsport. The german eagles are the national team who represent the DAFV and the german australian football on international level.

The Euro Cup in Australian Football will take place in June 2022. The venue is Edinburgh, Scotland. Both the men’s and women’s national teams have qualified for the Euro Cup. Under the name “German Eagles”, our two teams will represent Germany and, of course, give their all to bring home the European Championship title. To achieve this, we intend to arrive with a squad of 16 players plus 3 coaches per team that is as strong as possible, but above all as complete as possible. An international tournament with 40 players is always a financially costly undertaking. As a non-Olympic fringe sport, we unfortunately do not receive any state funding. Therefore, we depend on your support! Support us now – every contribution counts!

We intend to use the proceeds to cover part of the team costs for equipment as well as on site (accommodation, food, transport, tournament fees). In this way, financially weaker performers in our squad can concentrate fully on preparing for the Euro Cup. The booster club of Australian Rules Football in Deutschland e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation and can issue donation receipts. Every supporter who makes a free donation without a premium in return can receive a donation receipt if required. In this way we are also looking for further shirt sponsors and long-term partners who would like to cooperate with our association and promote both Australian Football in general and our national teams in particular!

Please feel free to contact us: !

The successful qualification is the reward of a continuous success story of Australian Football in Germany. Consequently, the German Eagles have enjoyed a number of successes in recent years. The German Eagles men finished runners-up in Season 2 in their first World Cup appearance in 2017. In addition, our men won the bronze medal in the “9-aside” format (9 field players per team) at the 2017 and 2019 Euro Cups. The German Eagles ladies have also been making international appearances since the inception of the women’s league in 2018. Already at the Euro Cup 2019, the ladies were able to win a bronze medal. Our ladies’ greatest success to date was the European Championship runner-up in the “18-aside” format in London in 2019.


University of Technology Sydney (UTS) meets the Business Council, Berlin 2022

We are happy to announce that UTS is a member of the German Australian Business Council.

From left to right: Simone Wienhausen (Business Council Board Member), Ian Watt (DVCI), Innes Ireland (Deputy Director), Professor Andrew Parfitt (Vice-Chancellor & President) and Professor Iwone Miliszewska (Associate Dean Global Networks). We had a fruitful discussion about opportunities in industry and UTS relations in Germany. The focus was on impact in both fields. The German Australian Business Council provides not only a network and interesting topics in Germany but also on a European basis.

Simone Wienhausen


‘Young Frankenstein’ Deutsches Theater München, 19-30 April, Munich

From April 19 to 30, 2022, the Deutsches Theater will present a new version of Mel Brooks’ musical Young Frankenstein, based on his 1974 film of the same name.

All info about the musical as well as a trailer can be found here:

For German Australian Business Council members, the Deutsches Theater offers tickets for the performances of Young Frankenstein at a special price with a 30% discount.

The tickets can be booked under the following link:



TIQ is recruiting a Director, Research Partnerships based in Frankfurt, Germany.

Reporting to the Agent-General and Queensland Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner – Europe, you will be responsible for identifying, promoting, supporting and facilitating Queensland organisations to seek trade and investment opportunities within the key priority sectors, focusing predominately on international education, training and research.

You will also be required to amplify, build and support Queensland education and training provides, leaders and their global partners in corporate research and development centres around the world and leverage funding opportunities.

Applications close 13 March. The application link can be found here: Director, Research Partnerships – Frankfurt am Main –