Thought Leadership Exchange – Meet the Member Series, Frankfurt, November 2024
The German Australian Business Chamber was once again hosted by our valued corporate member, FrankfurtRheinMain, for a great event on November 13.
CEO, Eric Menges, welcomed guests and opened the evening with a brief overview of FRM activities, notably the recent opening of offices in Sydney and Melbourne, thus making the Frankfurt Rhein Main region the only “city” in Germany to have a business development representation in Australia.
Members and friends came together for a networking event designed for Members to meet Members under the heading of
Thought Leadership…
- Uncertain times… global transport of people, goods and data.
- How do we deal with issues of sustainability, cyber security and geopolitical tensions?
- How do we connect, in a world that can be so divisive?
We were very pleased to welcome Klaus Tusche, Sales Manager Germany for Emirates, Stefano Giardini, General Manager Mondiale VGL Europe and Phil Douglas, CEO of 2e Systems, who all gave a brief and interesting overview of their companies activities highlighting especially initiatives around sustainability and geopolitical challenges.
The evening then concluded with lively discussions and networking around fingerfood and drinks.