Entries by Suzanne Heim

ABIE Groups offer Online Events to GABC Members

The Australian Business in Europe Network is offering a number of online events in the coming weeks which are open to Business Council Members. 27 May Finland Australia Business Council  Responses to COVID-19: Impacts and Outlook for Business Registration link https://tapahtumat.kauppakamari.fi/attend/x2a0o?t%5BVvbJE%5D 4 June Australian-UK Chamber of Commerce The Future of Capital Raising & Venture Investment […]

Austrade provides students with access to learning resources from Australian education providers

The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) has partnered with social learning platform, FutureLearn.com to provide free online courses and help students stay ahead of the learning curve. Many students have been impacted by travel restrictions globally. Providing access to high-quality online learning resources from leading Australian education providers is a simple way to continue […]

GABC Webinar with Squire Patton Boggs: COVID-19 Australian Visa update for Employers and Applicants

On 29 April, the German Australian Business Council was pleased to present its third webinar of the year with corporate member Squire Patton Boggs. Registered Migration Agents Rachel Barnett (MARN 1800 448) and Madeleine Smith (MARN 1912 154) covered the latest updates and information relating to visa applicants and employers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic: […]

Australia ranked fourth from 180 countries in terms of freedom on economy

According to The Heritage Foundation (Heritage), a US research institution, Australia now ranks fourth in terms of how free its economy is, compared to 180 other countries. For more information see: https://www.austrade.gov.au/news/economic-analysis/australias-economic-freedom-moves-up-a-notch-says-us-think-tank?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Investment+Update+April+2020+Message+A&utm_source=Investment+Update+Newsletter