GABC Webinar with Squire Patton Boggs: COVID-19 Australian Visa update for Employers and Applicants
On 29 April, the German Australian Business Council was pleased to present its third webinar of the year with corporate member Squire Patton Boggs.
Registered Migration Agents Rachel Barnett (MARN 1800 448) and Madeleine Smith (MARN 1912 154) covered the latest updates and information relating to visa applicants and employers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Current processing of visa applications and travel restrictions – What is the impact?
- Compliance considerations for visa holders and employers both in and outside Australia, with answers to some frequently asked questions
- Strategic considerations for ongoing employer sponsored applications currently on foot
- Compliance issues for employers to consider where a business has shut down or work is limited
- Strategies to manage employees during and out of the crisis
- Safety obligations in managing a workforce – now and as restrictions ease
Members and friends are advised to refer to the following sites for the most updated information:
- Department of Health – Coronavirus Information for Employers
- Department of Home Affairs – Coronavirus Information for Visa holders and Employers
- Fair Work Ombudsman – Coronavirus and Australian Workplace Laws
- Safe Work Australia – Information on COVID-19 and work health and safety
- Australian Government – JobKeeper Payments for employers and employees
Squire Patton Boggs has also put together a CV19 Disruption: Global Migration Tracker which provides easy access to reliable sources of information in the form of links to relevant web pages of governments, national immigration departments and official visa application centres around the world. It also provides access to more detailed guidance and analysis on recent developments and COVID-19-related changes in immigration law in specific countries. Please email globalmigration@squirepb.com providing your name, organisation and email address to gain access to this tracker.
For specific queries, members and friends are welcome to contact Rachel Barnett and Madeleine Smith directly.
A recording of the webinar can be viewed HERE