Entries by Suzanne Heim

Women’s Australian Football kicks off in Germany!

The Australian Football League Germany (AFLG) has been around for almost 20 years, however it has only been made up of male teams. This has started to change in 2018 as women’s football has been introduced in to the country and is starting to grow. In April, a Hamburg Dockers representative team, made up of […]

Corporate Member Austrade: Position for Innovation Landing Pad Manager vacant in Berlin

German Australian Business Council corporate member, Austrade, currently has a position available for an Innovation Landing Pad Manager in Berlin. For more information, please go to: https://austradejobs.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplication&returnToEvent=jobs.listJobs&jobid=BDBA8087-DB04-41B2-8C90-A913000CEDC8&CurATC=EXT&CurBID=8B5941B9-D67D-4B0C-933D-9DB401353EDE&JobListID=22FC4F47-E994-46A3-B8C9-9BC901269F43&JobCategoryID=26C68929-8FAA-431C-0D4A-6D58510C8913&jobsListKey=1b73087f-a222-43be-8f52-d057b55db2ba&persistVariables=CurATC,CurBID,JobListID,JobCategoryID,jobsListKey,JobID&lid=65966430016

Ambassador’s Dinner 2018- Berlin

After a four year long wait, the German Australian Business Council’s festive Ambassador´s Dinner returned to Berlin on 21 June, 2018. Held at the Australian Embassy in the city centre, this year´s edition of the well-established dinner format brought together guests from various business and economic sectors as well as friends and supporters of the […]

AHK and BMWi Event: Business Opportunities in Australia for German Companies- Bad Homburg

The German Chamber in Sydney (AHK) in partnership with the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft and Energie will be holding an event on the topic of ‘Business Opportunities in Australia for German Companies’. This event particularly focuses on the Beauty and Household Products sector. It will take place on the 17th of September, 2018 from 11am-4.30pm at […]

Spring Networking Drinks, May- Frankfurt

Members and friends of the German Australian Business Council were warmly welcomed by the German Australian Business Council’s Co-Patron, Richard Leather, Consul-General Frankfurt and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner for Western Europe, at his residence for our Spring Reception on 16 May 2018. We also had the privilege to hear from Ms Lyn Lewis-Smith, CEO, […]

EU Council gives the go-ahead for trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand

On the 22nd of May, 2018, the EU Council authorised trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand. More information can be found via the following links: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2018/05/22/council-gives-the-go-ahead-to-trade-negotiations-with-australia-and-new-zealand/ http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-3881_en.htm http://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:3812f928-985c-11e7-b92d-01aa75ed71a1.0001.02/DOC_1&format=PDF

CADwalk Event, May 2018-Munich

On the evening of 3 May 2018, Members and friends of the German Australian Business Council were immersed into the 3-D, interactive world of CADwalk. With 2 CADwalk’s already in Adelaide and Perth, the company recently grew its footprint to Munich, Germany. It was a very interesting and enjoyable evening. Opening with a presentation on […]

German Australian Business Council participates in Brexit Briefing

Board Members of the German Australian Business Council, Peirui Tan and Sabine Pittrof, attended an expert briefing to Frankfurt’s international community on Brexit on 7th May 2018. Corporate Member Frankfurt Rhein Main GmbH International Marketing of the Region had invited representatives from the Consular Corps and the International Trade and Investment Commissions and Associations to […]

Auslandshandelskammer Australia and New Zealand: Corporate Consultations Available in Frankfurt

The Auslandshandelskammer’s Australian and New Zealand offices are pleased to offer a one-off, free consultation in Frankfurt on the 4th of June 2018 to companies interested in expanding their business interests in this region. Please find more information and the registration form at https://www.frankfurt-main.ihk.de/veranstaltungen/8/53570/Sprechtag_Australien_und_Neuseeland/index.html?id=3346 ‘