Insights from Queensland University of Technology Breakfast in Frankfurt
How can we live better while living longer? Members and friends of the German Australian Business Council had the opportunity to hear some of the latest research and insights from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Faculty of Health’s Professor Ross Young, Executive Dean; Professor Greig de Zubicaray, Assistant Dean (Research); and Professor Remco Polman, Head of School.
Professor Young started with an overall introduction to QUT’s strengths in clinical health, biomedical and health technology research. He then spoke about his own research around genetic testing to provide early detection and care for mental health, which has become a priority for many governments and communities in recent years. Professor Zubicaray, who specializes in the neurobiology of language and memory, highlighted that policies and regulations have yet to catch up with the increased number of self-help health devices and apps. Greater collaboration between government, institutions and organizations will need to be in place to ensure consumer privacy and security while establishing efficacy and safety. In addition to mental health, Professor Polman emphasized that it was important to ensure physical health across all ages from adolescence to old age. Much of his research has centred around behavioural change and understanding motivations and fears, such as fear of falling among the elderly.
It was a mentally active and simulating morning for participants as they learnt about the latest health research developments in Australia. Wwe look forward to hearing more about QUT’s collaboration and work in Germany next time!