2017 Christmas Business Networking Reception in Frankfurt
2017 has indeed been a positively eventful year – not only for the German Australian Business Council that has been commemorating its 20th anniversary, but also for our two countries on a number of levels. What better way to celebrate this special year than to come together with members and friends for a business networking cocktail! Held in Frankfurt on the 30th of November, 2017, the event was a perfect start to the festive season.
We were honoured to be warmly welcomed by the German Australian Business Council’s Co-Patron, Richard Leather, Consul-General Frankfurt and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner for Western Europe, to his residence.
To the backdrop of an elegantly intimate setting, accompanied by excellent Australian wines and delicious food, our members and friends found themselves in an ideal atmosphere to unwind, celebrate and mingle. We were delighted to welcome a number of new faces from different horizons and professional backgrounds, thus enhancing the diversity and quality of the business networking.
Sabine Pittrof, German Australian Business Council Chair, took us through the highlights of the past year – with some very good news. The various events and activities of the German Australian Business Council in 2017 resulted in significantly increased cooperation between our two countries. In addition, Sabine Pittrof shared with us insights from the recent Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, held in Perth in November 2017, in which our association actively took part. We also had a preview of the eventful calendar lined up for 2018. We definitely have a lot to look forward to!
To mark the end of our 20th anniversary year, Sabine Pittrof and Richard Leather hosted the business card draw. Five lucky winners took home superb bottles of Australian wine.
As this unique year winds up, we would like to wish all our members and friends an enjoyable, peaceful and safe festive season. Thank you wholeheartedly for your involvement in 2017. We are excited about continuing our promisingly prosperous journey with you in 2018!