German Australian Business Council Re-launch and Australia Day Dinner
Adina Apartment Hotel Frankfurt Neue Oper
The weather may not have been a reflection of that experienced by the First Fleet landing in Australia on 26th January 1788 but the weather failed to dampen the enthusiasm of those attending the German Australian Business Council Re-launch and Australia Day event in Frankfurt 227 years later.
As the guests arrived at the Adina Apartment Hotel Frankfurt Neue Oper, the German Australian Business Council Board Members and Daniel Goihl from Zeitgeister Design & Kreativagentur had their fingers crossed as we prepared to launch the new German Australian Business Council website in front of a number of our Members, Friends and distinguished guests. Sabine Pittrof, Chair of the Board welcomed the guests and then handed over to our Guest Speaker for the evening, Greg Ellis, CEO of Scout 24. Greg has been involved in internet development and marketing since its beginnings back in the 1990’s. Greg commended the German Australian Business Council for creating a more user friendly and interactive website. Greg then “pushed the button” and the countdown to the new website began. At first we all held our breath; then exhaled and finally applauded as the website “went live” and we were taken through a tour to experience the new look and reinvigorated outlook of the German Australian Business Council.
The guests then moved to the Restaurant to continue networking and enjoy a buffet dinner reflecting an Australian influence. Unfortunately Mr David Ritche AO, the Australian Ambassador who was scheduled to speak at the dinner was unable to attend, but he did forward a message which Sabine Pittrof read when making her speech at the dinner.
It was great to see so many new members and some first time attendees at the event and we hope to see you in the near future at our upcoming events.