GABC AGM 2021, Online event, April 2021
The German Australian Business Council 2021 AGM took place virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions on the 21st of April.
Our Chair, Sabine Pittrof, provided more than 20 members with a report on the activities of the German Australian Business Council during the past year with a particular focus on the new membership model, events, relationships with government bodies and international activities. She also gave an outlook on 2021 initiatives, including focus themes for the year ahead and the event strategy in light of COVID-19 restrictions.
Our treasurer Eberhard Goihl reported on the status of the expenditures and revenues, the collection of outstanding member fees in the 2020 fiscal year and the budget for 2021 passed by the board, including the effects of the new membership model.
The presentations were followed by a short discussion after which the Board was released from liability.
It was also announced that The American German Business Club (AGBC) Munich had offered honorary corporate membership to the German Australian Business Council. This cooperation will mean that members of one association can attend functions of the other association under members’ conditions in the future. The resolution was supported unanimously by the AGM.
In order to be able to offer online board and general meetings in the future if desired, the Board proposed changes to the constitution which were adopted by the AGM in their entirety.